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Our training


SIC MARKING helps you to become familiar with your machine, through training modules that meet your needs: either on site or remote.
Our training is constructed to match your practical applications and is intended for production operators, maintenance technicians and production managers.
Our QUALIOPI certification offers you the possibility of supervision by an accredited authority.

Our training

100% suitable


Our training modules are designed to enable you to control and set up your machine, and also be fully familiar with the dedicated software.
The training also covers the servicing and maintenance of your marking system.
Whether you adopt Laser, dot peening or scribing technology, your personnel will be able to operate the marking machine completely independently.
SIC MARKING provides supplementary training, on request to our Customer Support department.


Our training



Our SIC MARKING instructors have created a pragmatic and interactive teaching method, that fully satisfies our customers through the clarity of its technical content, the relevance of its practical work and the quality of its training media.


Our training



SIC MARKING is certified compliant with the National Quality Reference system for actions contributing to the development of skills mentioned in article L6316-3 of the Labour code and PS-FOR-PRO-001, Certification programme for contractors contributing to the development of applicable skills.

This certification covers the following activity: L.6313-1 Training actions.

Activity declaration number: 82 69 04585 69


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